Round 2 (11:30-12:30 hrs)
Built environment (room Flash)
Paul Meijer (UMC Utrecht)
Changes in neighbourhood walkability and incident CVD: a large-scale population-based cohort study of 3.5 million adults, covering 24 years
Tea Osmënaj (RIVM)
Walking to work: the role of neighborhood walkability around the workplace
Bigina Ginos (Erasmus MC)
Vertical Living and Longevity: the Association of Floor Level of Residence on Mortality
Session chair: Ilonca Vaartjes, UMC Utrecht
Food and obesogenic indices (room Glow)
Joline Beulens (Amsterdam UMC)
Time-varying exposure to food retailers and cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality in the Netherlands: A nationwide prospective cohort study
Thao Lam (Amsterdam UMC)
The Neighourhood Obesogenic Built Environment Characteristics (OBCT) Index: Practice Versus Theory
Noreen Siddiqui (Amsterdam UMC)
Cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between fast food outlet access and inflammatory markers in the US-based Nurses' Health Study II
Session chair: Jeroen Lakerveld, Amsterdam UMC
Microbiome (room Solar)
Milla Gois (UMCG)
Characterization of the metabolome and microbiome landscape throughout pregnancy
Asier Fernandez (UMCG)
Unveiling the Impact of Environmental Factors on Early-Life Gut Virome Development in the Lifelines NEXT Cohort
Manon Autuori (Université Catholique de Louvain)
Comparative study of the gut microbiome response to a low-fiber versus high-fiber breakfast using breath volatolome analysis
Session chair: Alexander Kurilshikov, UMCG
Air Pollution (room Beam)
Lieke van den Brekel (UMC Utrecht)
Unequal susceptibility to air pollution: a follow-up analysis of differences by ethnicity in the association between air pollution and ischaemic heart disease
Lai Wei (Utrecht University)
A valid move from static to dynamic exposure assessment? A comparative analysis of home-based and mobility-based exposure assessments of air pollution
Erik Timmermans (UMC Utrecht)
Air pollution in relation to brain health indicators and global cognitive functioning in patients with cardiovascular disorders along the heart-brain axis
Session chair: Gerard Hoek, Utrecht University
Methodology (room Fluor)
Salome Kakhaia (UMC Utrecht)
Data-driven causal structure discovery for agnostic analyses: current state and implications for exposome studies
Lucas Cheng (Imperial College London)
An integrative analysis of data from the PISCINA-2 study
Csilla Vamos (Utrecht University)
How environmental factors correlate across different spatial measurement methods
Session chair: Mark van de Wiel, Amsterdam UMC
Environmental Metabolomics (room Spark)
Manuel Garcia-Jaramillo (Oregon State University)
Using Multi-Omics Analysis to Investigate the Toxicity of Road Runoff Water-Derived Contaminants in Juvenile Salmonid Species
Lackson Kashobwe (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Application of Lipidomics in unveiling the impact of PFAS and Alternative on lipid metabolism and composition: Insights from an In Vitro Human Hepatocyte Model
Lieselot Y. Hemeryck (Ghent University)
Upscaling sample preparation, analysis and data preprocessing in DNA adductomics for large-scale exposomics
Maria de Lavoir (University of Antwerp)
Unlocking the past: exploring untargeted hair lipidomics for retrospective analysis
Session chair: Thomas Hankemeier, Leiden University
Exposome-NL conference 2023
Exposome-NL conference 2023Exposome-NL conference 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Media Plaza, Jaarbeurs UtrechtMedia Plaza, Jaarbeurs UtrechtJaarbeursplein 2611 AL Utrecht Netherlands