Round 1 (10:30 - 11:30 hrs)
Ethics by design (room Glow)
Caspar Safarlou (UMC Utrecht)
Defending the Exposome from the Environment: Addressing Criticism, Mission Creep, and Occupational Identity.
External Exposome (room Flash)
Kees de Hoogh (Swiss TPH)
Title to be announced
Youchen Shen (Utrecht University)
Europe-wide road traffic noise modelling using a harmonized methodological framework CNOSSOS-EU)
Exposomics developments (room Solar)
Anna Young (Emory University)
Operationalizing exposome epidemiology to identify environmental drivers of cancer
Isabelle Boom (Leiden University)
Harmonization of a GC-MS methodology for the measurement of exposure markers
Environmental Metabolomics (room Spark)
Scaling characterisation of human exposure to chemicals
Integrated new approach methodologies to study the effects of airborne pollution on lung health: application to air samples from suburban and rural backgrounds
Session chair: Thomas Hankemeier, Leiden University
Exposome-NL conference 2023
Registration website for Exposome-NL conference
Exposome-NL conference 2023Exposome-NL conference 20230.00EUROnlineOnly2019-01-01T00:00:00Z
Media Plaza, Jaarbeurs UtrechtMedia Plaza, Jaarbeurs UtrechtJaarbeursplein 2611 AL Utrecht Netherlands